Sunday, January 5, 2014

Leadership Article: Cody Newton

This is an excerpt off of Cody Newton's Website.  Well done Cody!  Part 1

"6 principles to live by to change your view
I have heard Chris Brady  talk on  ”money view” and Dr. Kelly Randolph, Orrin Woodward, Dr Tom Ascol, Tim Marks and many others talk on your “world view”.  Its has truly helped me too look thru the proper lens about my faith-finances etc. Today Id like to unfold the “failure view.”  The failure view is the lens in which you look at failure. Two people can go thru the same failure and one will look at it as a losing experience and quit, while the other will look at it as a learning experience and grow. Same event,  way different response.
 I was 19 years old battling depression/self-worth and I was recommended by a christian a book titled “Telling yourself the Truth.” I realized for 19  yrs that Id been lieing to myself about failure.  Page 118-119 in Tim Marks book  ”Confidence of a Champion” gives us questions to ask ourselves during those trying times as well.    One of the greatest lies we tell ourselves is that failure is bad and we should hide from it.  I remember a quote Steven Wright said ” If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence you tried”  Now he was just having fun but that is exactly what I wanted to do with my past failures instead of learning from them and moving forward. All successful preachers, businessman , athletes, parents, and spouses have and will continue to fail and fail big.  Failure should be some of the most exciting times because it means you are having movement!!
First Failure:  Wasnt able to speak until he was 4 years old and his teachers said he would not amount too much.  He was a Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Prize Winner…… Albert Einstein
Second Failure: Was abused as a child and demoted from her job as a news anchor because they said ” you’re not fit for TV”……..Oprah Winfrey
Third Failure:  Fired from newspaper for “lacking imagination” and “having no original ideas”…….Walt Disney
Forth Failure: A highschool dropout, whose personal struggles with drugs and poverty took him to the point of suicidal attempts…… Eminem
Fifth Failure:  His fiance died, failed in business, had a nervous breakdown and was defeated in 8 elections.  16th president of the USA….. Abraham Lincoln
Sixth Failure: Lost his father  at age 5 .  In his 30s and his 50s had companies change the deal on him that cost him and his family millions.  Now has a 40 year record for the javelin and is creating one of the most spectacular comeback stories and more importantly, a great dad…… Bill Newton
Seventh Failure: His parents divorced at a young age.  Had reading disorders and dyslexia diagnosed as the teachers recommended he be held back. Always fought a low self-esteem and struggled with alcoholism. Now is a best-selling author of two books, my personal mentor, and cofounder of LIFE LEADERSHIP…… Tim Marks"

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