Sunday, January 5, 2014

Leadership Article: Cody Newton Two of Cody's Newton's Leadership Article...

"The most successful reading this have failed the most, looked dumb the most, been embaraced the most, took rejection the most, and been hurt the most, learned from the experiences and kept going.  Not only should you know that failure is not bad, but I recommend you follow or mentor with someone who has failed and failed BIG!   Just make sure they have used that experience to learn from instead of complain from.  A leaders  life will be DREAM-STRUGGLE- VICTORY not DREAM-STRUGGLE-VICTIM.  Here is 6 principles that I have lived by along my journey that I pray helps you.
1st principle:      When you feel  a chance of failure, hit it head on FAST!!  The longer you wait, the harder it is to get past the failure and the stronger the feeling becomes. To a leader cowardice is more shameful than fear.
2nd principle:    Eliminate the need for perfection!!  Since we were in kindergarten we were taught the closer we get to an A the better off we are.  Salvador Dali says ” have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”   It’s actually not about perfection as much as continually losing long enough to find out how to win and never quitting…..
3rd principle:   When you fail admit it!!  Winston Churchill said “success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.”  Learn to share your mistakes instead of shunning your mistakes.  I personally have done and continue to do some of the most ridiculous and dumb things along the path to success.
4th principle:  Don’t be a CRITIC!!!   Starve the habit to dump negatives about others, anywhere,  even to your best buddy .  We can get past our own failures if we do not hold others to the standard of perfection.  In my life, the more I quit holding others to a standard they can’t uphold, I quit holding myself to that same standard.
5th principle:  Be in thankful mode!!  Focus on where you are winning and all the things God has done in your life!  One of Satan’s best tools to stop you from what God has called you to do is to remind you of your past and all the hurts you have done to yourself and others have done to you.
6th principle:   Dream Again!!  The best way to get past failure is to look forward to the dreams in your life that you are chasing!  God bless your run towards your destiny!

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